Wednesday 21 September 2011

Talk your way out of erectile dysfunction

Talking to the doctor can be the first and the most critical step to an effective erectile dysfunction treatment. In case you've started experiencing erection problems, there is a fair chance that it is a problem which you've never experienced before. If you start telling yourself that it will pass soon, you may be ignoring your sexual health. A candid discussion with your doctor can make you feel that the problem is half solved. It is estimated that about 89 out of 100 men with erectile dysfunction (ED) feel relieved after talking to their doctors.

Why is the 'impotence talk' so essential and relieving?

Apart from being a medically qualified individual to treat erectile dysfunction, your doctor can also be the 'confidant' you are looking for. Unlike other health conditions, erectile dysfunction or any other sexual health problems are issues which need to be dealt with sensitively. And your doctor is the second person, the first one being your partner, who can understand what you might be going through. You will know the person sitting across you is capable of making the right decision for you and has dealt with such problems before. This feeling of safety can boost your mental strength to fight ED. It can also reduce your anxiety and all types of mixed emotions you may be having during this time.

What can you expect from your doctor?

You can expect a few simple queries on your sexual and general health, your commitment, how you manage your personal and professional life, and the problem that's been bothering you for the past few days. That's it! Generally no test is done as long as you provide an accurate picture of your problem. The common tests to diagnose impotence, if needed, include urinalysis, blood counts, creatinine test, liver enzymes test and monitoring of nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT). The objective of your doctor is to find out the probable erectile dysfunction causes.

Putting impotence behind to embrace a happy life ahead...

It is not always easy to put an unpleasant thing behind and move on with life. But with timely medical consultation and treatment, you may never have to look back at erectile dysfunction. You can kick-start your sex life all over again with the help of impotence pills.